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Disappointed with God?

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"I am not disappointed in you." God


What problem do you see that needs to be resolved in the world?

The problem I see to solve is the spiritual malnutrition of people who love God.

The focus of most churches is on a their program rather than the needs of the people. More of a focus on filling the building than filling the person. 


Witnessing the transformation in people's lives as the Word of God transforms them into the image of Christ.

My mission is to create a safe, purposeful environment for men and a community of Christ centered men that love and grow through events and retreats bringing together the body of Christ.

Exchange all your disappointments with Trust.

Submitted to the pastor/mentor that truly demonstrates an abundant life, a much better way. 

In Jesus name, the way He did it.


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Ask Pastor Greg


Kitchener Ontario



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Pastor Greg Wood

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Equip the body of Christ with meaningful relationships, a sound learning environment and the life-giving message of God's unconditional love and grace.


Pastor Greg Wood

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