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Greg Wood


Our e-Book:

Some call him Pastor (connects people to the answers), Seer (looks at what is hidden), Wise Man (aware and living with that awareness), Prophet (speaking truth, exposing lies and changing the natural outcome), Evangelist (making Christ known) and Mentor (a confidant that walks beside you with guidance and light - wisdom).  Most of all, he wants to be known as trustworthy. He is entrusted with the secrets of man’s heart's bringing healing to mind and body. 

Pastor Greg Wood is a spiritual messenger sharing about the Kingdom of God on earth, who has impacted thousands of lives, whose words continue to touch people in profound ways.

Let today be your day to put trust in Him.

A Pastor is someone that brings the necessary spiritual and physical resources together, to help an individual or group of people, connect within their heart(s), to accomplish the impossible. A trusted resource that brings calmness and wisdom in the storms of life, demonstration of acceptance in times of disappointment and loss.  Above all, trust is established through relationship and mutual respect.

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My Approach

My Approach

2 Corinthians 11:3b King James Version (KJV)


"...from the simplicity that is in Christ."

When answering your questions, I listen to my heart - I record what I hear from the depths of my inner being, from a place of solid foundation and maturity in the Spirit drawing upon the wisdom from Him, Christ Jesus; then I search the scriptures to provide a reference to be studied by all, including myself. 

There are no judgements, just an open mindedness with the sole purpose of connecting your heart with His intentions.  

I welcome all questions that keep you from understanding who you are, what drives your daily life and defines or leads you to your purpose.

Pastor Greg Wood

Ask a Question
Image by Rod Long

Ask a Question

God is not the author of confusion but God is the author of Questions...

so go ahead and keep Asking, Knocking and Seeking.

Please send me a question(s) that either hinder your path, lead you to a dead end or have you at a cross roads. This is a great way to start a conversation, have other participate or get your thoughts heard.


For those looking for a personal consultation, please add that request with your question.

Your personal information will not be shared or published in any manner.

All questions and comments are reviewed, approved and then featured on our website. Any comments or questions with the intention of hate, anger or vulgarity are filtered and removed.


Thank you for being part of 

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